Thursday, May 27, 2010

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

This time I'm going to try to be better about the whole updating thing. My goal is at least once a week. Hopefully it will be more often! It seemed as though the best way to update the last few months would be in photographs so here we go.

Easter sheep!

An adventure in one of my favorite towns with one of my favorite people.

One of my favorite homes
He graduated!

My love : )

The most exciting news of the week is that he may have a job! This will mean moving and another adventure soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seeking the *right* adventure...

Things have gotten interesting lately. There are so many opportunities floating around, none of which have necessarily been offered yet. It is more that we are seeking them and then hypothesizing about what the best way to handle things might be. That all being said, its been an interesting challenge to figure out just what would be the best adventure. Each would be an adventure, but which one would be the best one and which is what God has for us? Who knows at this point!

More to come soon with springtime adventures.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A new adventure?

Well, since I am likely the only one who looks at this page, this time I am just going to talk about the most current "adventure?" in our lives. There is a possibility we might have to move to Georgia. I must admit, I really really don't want to go! It would be potentially a very good legal job for John but to sound horribly selfish its scary to potentially have to move away from everything familiar. While it could be an adventure, it would be an adventure with no return date. The prospect of having my children far from family and friends is not one I'm sure I like.

I know God has a plan for us and I know every time we've had uncertainties He has come through in ways more amazing than we ever could have dreamed but its still scary. All we can do now is pray lots!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

So we decided that we have enough adventures, even the little ones, that we should share them with you. The name of the blog comes from a comment from a relative that we both in our chosen professions hold up the world. We decided that if we ever set our minds to it between the two of us we could make the world grind to a halt....not that we would.

Our latest adventures are mostly Christmas related. We wrangled the tree, decorated it, and even had presents under it before Christmas Eve this year!

Most of the tree is decorated with Snoopy ornaments:
You have to put the star/angel on first
He decorates!

Our pathetic attempt at a self portraitA lovely finished tree with presents underneath.

Stay tuned for our next adventure: a dance party during the snow storm.